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心性:心生心   瓦信•愛 、、論著

心性:心生心   心信:人言心

鬼 思 撇勾之異

魔鬼 磨鬼 磨思

靜坐,淨坐, 盡做

賢 : 臣又 ( 貝 ) 見

聖 : 耳口壬


信家非 家。 出家入道。

1)You believe there is a home; you recognize this home is empty;

You get out of home and follow the way.

What is home? Home means a safe place. There is no safe place at all and you follow this law.

2) You believe, you see, you go(do), you follow.

3) You believe a teacher, you find he is not Teacher, you go out to find Teacher,

You become one of Teachers.

4)You believe “you have I”, You know “there is no I”, You drop I, You and I are same.


Aware, law, being
